Hello I'm Mubashir

A proficient programmer excels in web development, driven by a passion for crafting inventive solutions that push boundaries and inspire progress.

About Me

As an undergraduate computational biologist and dedicated web application developer from Pakistan, I merge my passion for programming languages with cutting-edge biological research. Crafting elegant code, I weave intricate digital solutions, bridging science and technology. With each line written, I advance towards a future where innovation knows no bounds.

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Here are some of the skills I have acquired and technologies I'm proficient in:

  • HTML5
  • CSS3
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • JavaScript (ES6+)
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Responsive Web Design
  • Node.js
  • MongoDB
  • Responsive Web Design


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Uswa Public School Yultar



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Uswa College Islamabad

Pre Medical


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University ...

Field of Study

Year of Graduation


Ecommerce Website

This an ecommerce website designed by using HTML, CSS and JavaScript.

Text Analyzer

This project is showing Text Analyzer website


This project shows a calculator app designed with HTML, CSS and JavaScript only.

Portfolio website

This is a Portfolio website designed with nextjs, it show cases your skills, eduactions, projects etc.

Portfolio website

This is a Portfolio website designed with bootstrap, it show cases your skills, eduactions, projects etc.

Food ordering website

This project is about food ordering website.